Wear Your Wellness: Be the Light!

I learned about LifeWave X 39 patches back in September from a podcast guest speaker, Emma Goodwin of Timeless Cookery. Emma is a GAPS coach (Gut And Psychology Syndrome food/eating educator) who works closely with others to help them heal their gut microbiome, and more specifically she helps a lot of parents with children with autism heal. The GAPS diet was founded by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. What she found was a connection between the functions of the brain and the digestive system, or gut microbiome.

At a health seminar in London, Emma found the LifeWave patch and learned that it was helping many children with autism and others on the autism spectrum. She introduced it to her clients and saw amazing results. Knowing I am a big advocate of alternative and natural healing modalities, she reached out to me. I was instantly a fan and started patching myself!

What I love about LifeWave is that it is non-medicated, non-transdermal, phototherapy patch. What this means is that even though you are wearing it, nothing is being absorbed by the skin. The patch hosts a crystalline structure that when heated by the body, the information in the crystalline structure is reflected back into the body to create intrinsic healing. The information from the patch works with the body with an intuitive nature finding , knowing exactly where the body needs support. The body then begins healing from the inside out!

The above videos vary in length, but do a much better job describing how they work! The science is unbeatable and the testimonials phenomenal.

I have been patching since September. Living with scoliosis and chronic pain, the patch has provided pain relief, relaxation, energy when needed, better sleep to name a few.

The best way to find out if LifeWave is for you is to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL with me!

We can figure out how LifeWave could improve the quality of your well-being, and which patches may best suit your needs.