Who Would You Be?

Shifting our perspective . . . 

Shifting our perspective can be so incredibly challenging when we are imprisoned by our own thoughts, the thoughts of others and those we surround ourselves with on a daily basis.

I was listening to a podcast on being a prisoner of our own mind this morning.  And let’s face it, most of us are stuck somewhere and it is through the experiences, people, places, situations, relationships, etc. that we draw to us that reflect back to us where we are not FREE.

What does it mean to feel stuck or a lack of freedom?

To me, a lack of freedom means we are somewhere stuck in fear; fear of something.  Let’s take for example, and I will get personal here:

My son is 17, he will be 18 at the end of his junior year in high school.  At this time he is either fucking with me, or is indeed, counting down the days until he can move in with his dad.  This makes me super sad as I want to be involved in his life his last year in high school.  Not only does it trigger sadness, it triggers fear.  Fear of loss, fear of missing out on my the mundane of my kiddo’s last school year at home, fear of being unloved, undervalued, that I screwed up, that I am the least favorite and where did I go wrong?  Not that I am aiming for favorite, but it makes me question all that I have done for the past 17 years to make him believe that living with just his dad would make his life that much better.   Number 1, I have to consider that this may NOT even happen and that if I focus on my fear, it is more likely to manifest.  Then I must reflect on where I have entrapped myself in some ridiculous thoughts that simply are not true, and I have to figure out how to shift my perception, or reframe the story I have created in my head so that I can feel the freedom, peace and harmony I am trying to create and experience in my life.

So . . . take a few moments to think about where you are stuck, imprisoned and feel a lack of freedom in your life?

And then. . . ask yourself:

Who would you be and what becomes available in the absence of ALL of your concerns?

This means, ALL of your concerns . . .the concerns of your parents, spouse, children, financial responsibilities, any and all of the roles you have assumed during this lifetime, the what ifs, your fears, insecurities, the labels you have given to yourself, all of the judgment and shame you have taken on,  absolutely ALL of your concerns.


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