Your Oxygen Mask Goes On First
Upon heading down the runway for take off, we are told in case of an emergency we are to put on our oxygen mask first, then we can help others.
Of course, if our oxygen mask isn’t on first then we will not be able to operate at 100 % in order to assist others. It is true of LOVE
as well. We must have self-care and self-love in order to truly love others.
I was listening to a podcast this morning called Magic Lessons by Elizabeth Gilbert and the discussion was about just this …
What have you been sacrificing in your life what is deep within you that you are letting fall by the wayside in order to take care of others? Is it artistic expression thru drawing, painting, sculpture? Is it dancing or creative movement or singing? Is it playing a musical instrument? Is it skipping an exercise program or going to lengths ot make from scratch muffins? Is it not fulfilling your dream to go to college?
By tapping into the root of who we are, even if it means a little less time for the others in our lives, will allow us to serve them along with all of humanity from a more loving space.
Check in, do a body scan, do a sacrifice scan, do a dream scan to find out exactly how you can better serve yourself so that you may become a more powerful and loving force in the world. In doing so, those around you will also see the value and learn from the benefits of putting their own oxygen mask on as well.
Find your light…over and over and over again!